Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who knew?

We all know that starving yourself is not good for you.  Sometimes even over religious holidays or events.  But, according to researchers in Utah, periodic fasts may actually be good for your heart.  The study shows that a 24-hour fast can lead to favorable changes in cholesterol and blood-sugar levels, according to Time magazine.  These changes suggest that "supervised" fasting may help your ticker combat the risk for heart disease.

Careful though, even the researchers that discovered this aren't ready to stand behind it just yet.  They probably will not endorse it until further research reveals whether there is a safe way to skip calories.  Also, keep in mind that fasting triggers the stress response, so repeated periods of fasting may put an undue strain on the heart.

I just though I'd share this brief bit of information with you, simply because I thought it was interesting.  It's always nice to read of the new findings of scientists all over the world.  I hope you enjoyed!  Keep in touch for more "latest greatest" scientific findings!

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